Some important information regarding your retirement*
- Your ability to earn an income is one of your most valuable assets
- Total household income often comes from multiple sources
- A financially sound retirement depends on finding ways to extend your savings and replace your income
How much will you earn in a lifetime?
- Assume your household earns $100,000 per year starting at age 40
- Your Lifetime Earnings by the retirement age of 65 would amount to $2,500,000
How long will you live after Retirement?
- Earnings during your working life don't mean as much once you are retired, how much you saved is the key
- Life expectancies in the United States are increasing**
- No one knows how long they will live after retirement, but it is important to be financially prepared
How long before you run out?
- Assume you withdrew only $1,000 per month with a 4% rate of return
- Your money would be gone after only 10 years and 1 month!
With $100,000 in Lifetime Savings for Retirement
*Information taken from GamePlan Annuity Sales Document
**Source: Miniño AM, Heron M, Smith BL. Deaths: Preliminary data for 2004. Health EStats. Released April 19, 2006.
The most prevalent concern of the retiring "baby boomers" and other retirees is the fear of running out of money during retirement.
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